What's in a bag? A diaper bag, that is. Our diaper bag contents are customized to our needs so: twins, acid reflux, allergies, you know, the fun stuff. You can use the following list as your guide. We actually have two diaper bags, one I use for daily quick trips and the other I use for trips where we will be gone more than a few hours.
So what exactly is in our diaper bag?
In our daily quick trip bag we have:
4-6 diapers
A small pack of wipes
2 receiving blankets
2 small containers of formula
2 bottles
A rattle or small toy
Extra onesie and pants for babies
In our long trip bag we have:
8-12 diapers
A full pack of wipes
2 receiving blankets
Burp cloths
2 Swaddles
4 bottles
A whole can of formula
Plush Blanket
Small toys and a book
Face Wipes
Baby Powder
Phone Charger
Change of clothes for both boys and an extra shirt for mom
So yeah, we come prepared for anything here. What do you keep in your diaper bag?