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The Woods


The Woods

"Ouch! Ow! Owie! Ouch!" I stumbled through the thick briars over the small almost non-existing trail that my husband pushed down as he lead the way. I kept up like a small child, tripping and getting further and further behind.

I had been washing dishes and blasting old music on my record player when the farmer busted through the door and ran in, "C'mon! We have a mama cow who's due any day now and she's missing. We need to look for her before the sun goes down." I threw my dishrag down and ran to get my camera. Yes, I know. I saw this as an opportunity for photos. We jumped on the ranger and headed to search the woods.

About halfway there the ranger began to do that thing it does. It began to spit and sputter and jerk around, it backfired from the front and back. How is that even possible? Who knows. We kept pushing to the woods though. Time was of the essence. We went through the stream that opens into the woods, then we drove through the thick pines and drove over the smaller ones. Then the ranger stopped. Just completely stopped. In the middle of the woods.

*long deep sigh inserted right here*

I looked down at my capris. Great. Just great.

My husband grabbed his gun and began trekking through the woods. I tried to keep up, getting torn up by the sticker bushes and trying to watch my step AND keep up proved to be harder than one would imagine.

"Why do you have your gun?"

He replied, "It's always smart to have a gun in the woods."

I cringed at the thought of snakes in the woods. I had never been in these woods on foot. We pushed through the limbs, pine trees, and stickers and found a few clearings here and there. The sun began to set as we passed by our babies gravesites. These woods were so big and scary but the thought of my kids being in these woods was a beautiful thought. We finally had gone through every area in that part of the woods that we could go in when I felt the ground sink beneath me. I looked down and sure enough, the leaves under my feet were sinking because of the rain we had gotten. I screeched and ran faster through the woods.

"They didn't prepare me for this type of stuff on Dual Survival Kevin!"

I finally got to another clearing with a fox den. Lucky me. I walked a little faster at the thought of the foxes coming home for dinner. No sign of this mama cow anywhere! We finally circled back around to the baby's grave and saw the ranger. It was too dark to see much by that point so we called it quits and decided to look for her more tomorrow. Now it's time for this farm girl/explorer to take a shower. My legs are burning and I probably have poison ivy all over me but in a way, I had fun exploring the woods looking for her. Pray that she's okay and that the baby is okay if she's had it already. I'll keep you updated.

❤, Lady of the Farm


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Done & Published.

It's a little crazy. I've been working on this book for a year now and it feels like that was my itty bitty baby for a while. Late nights...


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