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The Little Farmer's Club: The Pivot

Little Farmer's Club

On today's episode of The Little Farmer's Club, Kk and Coltie came home from a long day at Grandma's. I had some things to do in town where I couldn't take the boys and so Grandma came and got them and they played and ate KFC and enjoyed their morning with her. I came by the farm, ate lunch, then headed to be with them.

When I arrived, the boys were getting their bottles and trying to take a quick siesta! Heavy eyes slowly shut as soon as we curled up together. After our naps, we played some more then we eventually came home when daddy was getting here. We hopped in the old farm truck and we putt putted to the back of the field to watch the pivot. Our farm is so intensely dry. My feet have been so dusty this week from walking through the fields and garden. The little farmer's hats came in today so we couldn't miss our chance to wear them out!

We finally came home and the boys called it a night even though the farmer's night with the pivot is still going on. We laid the little farmer's down and off to sleepy town they went.

-Lady of the Farm.


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