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The Homegrown Hippie + Evening Primrose Oil

The Homegrown Hippie.

I've always been kind of a hippie. Even as a child! The farmer thinks it's hilarious how I can turn on random disco music and sing every word on time and on beat. I got made fun of a lot in middle school, I had my poofy afro of a hairstyle, peace sign everything, I was a lot to take in. I still am, but now I kind of look like a middle aged crunchy mom. Apparently crunchy moms are basically the hippie moms?? I dunno. I actually did a whole pathway report on organics and natural foods. I was raised on flax seeds, sprouts, and coconut oil.


Just wanted to make sure that is loud and in bold type.

Anyway, that's not what this post is about. So on Wednesdays I want to let my hippie soul kind of take over and just do her thang.

So look forward to that on Wednesdays.

Today I wanted to talk about EVENING PRIMROSE OIL.

I was talking with a friend about our skincare routines. I haven't been very crunchy when it comes to skincare recently. I actually found some old wrinkle cream that I began using lately and I actually started seeing my wrinkles fade away so of course I was like wow, this stuff really does work! So I looked it up and the price almost made me nauseated. Over $100 for a small bottle of this stuff!

Evening Primrose Oil

So I began diving back into my childhood hippie mode and I remembered "evening primrose oil", my mom was a huge believer in this stuff and always preached to me how I needed to take this. Well, did I listen? Absolutely not.

Here's some of the benefits of evening primrose oil:

  1. Clears acne.

  2. Eases Eczema.

  3. Helps with skin elasticity & firmness.

  4. Helps relieve PMS symptoms.

  5. Reduces hot flashes.

  6. Helps lower High Blood Pressure.

  7. Helps improve Heart Health.

  8. Reduces Nerve Pain. (Numbness, tingling, sensitivity)

  9. Helps relieve inflammation.

  10. Helps with fertility by increasing cervical mucus.

  11. Prevents Hair Loss.

So, there are a ton of good reasons to be taking this, but obviously as with all supplements, make sure you do your own research to make sure it would be the right fit for you!

I buy mine here:

This is your sign to take care of yourself!

-Lady of the Farm

***I am an affiliate with Amazon, if you purchase through the link provided I will earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you!

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