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Writer's pictureLady of the Farm

The Daily Musings of A Farm Wife

As most of you know, we've been under this whole shelter in place thing for what feels like a few months. When I first heard about it, I took it as my perfect opportunity to hunker down and work on one of my goals I have been trying to fulfill for a good minute. 

Back in September, I was asked to make a book of my blog posts for a Christmas present. I started piecing together "The Daily Musings of A Farm Wife". It's a compilation of all my most popular blog posts. I make it into an Ebook and gifted it for Christmas, but I still didn't feel satisfied by it. I decided to get a paperback copy made. After months of submitting it, editing it, resubmitting it, editing it, I finally said, "You know what? I'm done. This is finished." 

It's available on Amazon for $10 or you can visit any of the farmer's markets we frequent to get a copy. It takes two-three weeks to be printed and shipped. 

This book is perfect if you are a book lover, don't want to sit on your phone or laptop reading, have someone who doesn't have access to a computer that would like it (Looking at you nanny!) or if you just want to have your very own copy. 

It's not perfect, but it's mine. I have babied this book till I can't no more. 


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