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Seventeen Weeks.

The week has felt long, tiring, & so exhausting.

I spent the night in the hospital, not admitted or anything. Just laying around in the emergency room all night Saturday night. I began having sharp pains in my lower right abdomen that morning. I was in a lot of sudden pain around 9 PM and we thought maybe we should check on the babies. I was still getting their heartbeats on the doppler so we knew they were alive, but the pain was so unusual. It felt like a cyst, but it was so sudden. So we decided to go to the hospital and get another opinion.

We were quickly ushered to a private room in the Emergency Room and the rest of the night is mostly a blur. But here are some things I can remember from the night:

  • Our nurse was amazing. She also has twin babies and was able to reassure me throughout the night and let me know that round ligament pain with twins is no joke. Everything with twins is escalated. (Isn't it amazing how God puts people to help you in your path that can relate and truly be there for you? I'm convinced she was our angel that night.)

  • During the first ultrasound, I stared into the ultrasound tech's glasses to see if I could catch a glimpse of the babies since she wasn't letting me watch. Kevin was able to see them though, and they both said they were both very wiggly that night. She showed me a glimpse of them at the end but I can't remember much at all.

  • I had bloodwork done and a urine analysis, my white blood count came back extremely high and surprised the ER doctor. He said he expected it to be high, but not that high so he immediately thought about infection.

  • During the second ultrasound, they were checking my appendix since the pain was in the area they say my appendix would be in during pregnancy. The ultrasound tech told me to show her exactly where I was hurting and when she moved there, there was one of the babies waving back at us. I can't help but think he and his brother were horseplaying and hit one of my organs?

  • After the second ultrasound, to confirm it wasn't my appendix they also did an MRI. The MRI tech had to come in from Americus to do my MRI (around 3 or 4 am at this point). She did an abdominal one and a pelvic one.

  • MRIs are not my thing. I almost had a panic attack the first ten minutes because of my hatred for being strapped down. Then my back began cramping up and I literally thought I was going to vomit I was in so much pain. Kevin said it took longer because our sons were bouncing so much that the picture wouldn't stay still.

  • After the second MRI, they told me that everything looked fine, it was probably just ligament pains and I could leave, just to follow up with my doctor in a week. We finally left at 7:00 AM.

Currently, I'm feeling a lot better, still moving slow but it doesn't hurt to walk or move anymore. I feel like it was a cyst but the more I rest, the better I feel. So we are just going to stick to that. My PA says I can come in if I feel I need to, but I think I'm going to try to hold off. I know that the babies are okay and my next appointment is with the specialist in Albany in just a few more weeks so I'm just anticipating that.

Continue to pray for us throughout the next few weeks with our anatomy scans of the babies and with traveling to and from Albany.

-Lady of the Farm.


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