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Those of you that have been with me since the beginning knows about my star of the show, Rosie.

For those of you who don't know who Rosie is, look for the big white Pekin duck waddling in the background of my photos or in the pools.

Rosie as a babyRosie came to us from Tractor Supply. She was one of the first farm animals I ever had. We bought three ducklings from Tractor Supply for my birthday when The Farmer & I were dating, which has been 4 years ago btw! 😉 We bought Faith, Charles Duckins, and Rosie Duckins.

Rosie, however, outlived both of her friends. Faith was crippled and died of disease and Charles died of a fox attack. He was protecting Rosie when the fox got him. Rosie was lonely after Charles died and it was VERY obvious.

So we got her some boyfriends. They were Indian runner ducks. They were SO aggravating. We tried taking them to the pond here on the farm and when we got back to the house they were waiting on us... Always there!

But something good did come out of those aggravating runner ducks!

We sold the runner ducks at the auction and it just so happened that around that time we were incubating chicken eggs. We got some of Rosie's eggs and only one single duckling hatched out and that was Sunni. (Sunni has her very own story here.) We introduced Rosie and Sunni and it was almost as though Rosie knew that was her kid. That hit it off from the beginning. They were inseparable. If you saw one, you saw the other not too far behind.

We went away for a couple days on an anniversary trip and when we came back Rosie was in her pen but Sunni was nowhere to be found. To this day, we still have no clue what happened to her. Rosie went into a depression for a little while. One night she actually let me go in the pen with her and hold her which is WAAAAY out of character for her. I told the farmer that we had to get her someone to keep her company or else we'd lose her too.

 Soon enough though she began to spend more time with the chickens. She stayed in their pen, waddled around with them in the garden and she was becoming happier.

Somehow we ended up with two new ducks. Johnny & June. June died of a freak accident, she went under a tire that had been in our fig tree since God knows when and somehow got crushed by the tire. We don't know exactly how that could've happened. But when we got home, we noticed she wasn't with Johnny and then we found her.

Rosie had never really paid Johnny any attention. But with June gone, Johnny began noticing Rosie more and more. Now, they're like two peas in a pod. She still doesn't pay him much attention but he LOVES her! Rosie has been through so much in her 4 years on this Earth but I am so glad that she has overcome everything and has come so far. ❤❤❤🦆🦆🦆


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Done & Published.

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