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Roses on the Fence.

I pulled the linen curtains back and looked out over the fields. I stood there with my mug of lemon water soaking in the peacefulness of the farm when it was interrupted by the lawnmower flying by the window. The farmer seems to have a need for speed.

Then I saw where he was going.

I have begged him in the past week to walk with me to the rose bushes on the fence line so I could gather roses for mother's day gifts. I guess he got tired of me asking because he mowed the area beside the fence line so I can walk out there by myself. (He still ended up walking out there with me btw)

I walked out with my basket and gathered the eggs from the nesting boxes and then we headed to the fenceline to get roses. He helped me get past the thorns and get the roses off the vines. These roses, I have found are called a couple of different things like, "Carnation Roses" and "Pink Pet Roses". So I don't know exactly what these are, but they're so beautiful!

-Lady of the Farm.

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