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Nine Months.

It's been nine short months since I gave birth to two of the most precious little boys. I often think of our journey and how hard it was on us, but in the end, God knew what His plans were.

I was holding Kayven the other day, he has been teething and these first couple of teeth are just being a pain, but I was holding him while the farmer drew out some medicine to get him comfortable and he leaned back, his eyes were shut, he was still mostly asleep just groaning. I looked down at his face and thought, how did I get so lucky?

The past nine months have flown by so fast. It feels like just last week I was in the hospital after having them. Here we are though, just a couple of short months away from being ONE year old. Isn't it wild?

Anyway, here are some updates:


- Can say mama, dada, Gamma

- Loves food! They actually haven't found a food they dislike besides sweet peas.

- Can walk with a little help.

- Crawls like he's in a marathon.

- Loves to explore... had to begin babyproofing for this guy!

- Loves to play in the pool.

- Loves to be held and cuddled, but only for a second. He's way too busy to be held.


- Can say mama, daddy, and yum!

- Also loves food! He actually said yum for the first time to chicken and dumplings.

- Has begun crawling and wanting to move.

- Loves to be held and cuddled.

- Loves to splash in the pool.

- Loves to watch Mrs. Rachel.

- Enjoys eating snacks like their cheese puffs.



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