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NAC + More natural goodies to have in your cabinet.

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Bare with me, the internet is down in our area so I'm having to do Natural Hippie Wednesdays on my phone.

So today I'm going to tell you about NAC, I first discovered NAC by reading the books "Dirty Genes" 🧬 and "It starts with the egg". đŸ„š We had just had our second miscarriage and found out through a genetic test that I have a gene mutation that in short terms, makes my body 1,000x more sensitive to chemicals, foods, etc. Just regular day to day stuff can throw my body, hormones, off balance. So I read dirty genes and the egg book.

NAC stood out to me for one major reason, it helped aid in fertility. And after two losses, I was willing to try anything to prevent another loss.

NAC : N-Acetyl Cysteine

NAC or N-Acetyl Cysteine is a versatile and potent antioxidant with many health benefits. Recent studies have found many possible health benefits; like preventing the flu, building up energy after an illness, healing the lungs, and detoxifying heavy metals from our body.

Some of the benefits of this supplement are:

  • Builds up your immune system

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and blood insulin (better than metformin!!)

  • Improves ovulation

  • Improves egg quality

  • Improves testosterone levels

  • Helps with detoxification to prevent kidney + liver damage

  • Thins mucus, improving COPD symptoms, chronic bronchitis symptoms.

As always, consult with your doctor to make sure this supplement would be a right fit for you.

So back to my story..

I was taking this stuff before I got pregnant and all the way until after I had the boys.

This was during the height of covid. Quite literally we were going to one of Georgias biggest covid hot spots 2-3 times a week to see our specialist and we never got covid.

Say it's luck or whatever you will, but I really think it was the NAC.

We were exposed to covid directly SEVEN times during my pregnancy and never got it. Kevin was talking it for respiratory health because he has the worst allergies.

But in the weeks before having the boys (also worth mentioning we were on lockdown in the hospital bc covid was so bad.) I was just mindblown, how have we missed this so many times? So I began digging deeper into the supplements I was taking and then it all made sense with the NAC. Literally said on the bottle, respiratory health!

Also, I didn't get covid until AFTER I had stopped taking it. đŸ€” Are you seeing what I'm getting at??

This stuff is so good for so many things, it's also another one of those, "YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR CABINET" items. But as I said before, make sure you talk with a doctor first.

Now, if you're not a part of the tin foil hat club, exit now please.

The FDA was trying to get NAC off our shelves awhile back (literally like 2020/2021)

Several companies were stating that this was a cure for hangovers. Which is where the FDA was like "absolutely not, now it's an ILLEGAL DRUG!"

It was taken completely off Amazon for awhile and then was put back on after they decided they'd allow it.. even Thorne, the website I got it from was sent threatening letters to take it off the market but they and many others in the industry fought back.

I'm August of 2022, the FDA took a step back from their hard stance and are allowing it to be ruled as a supplement for now until the final ruling is decided.

I'm not crazy, but something here is

🐟 Fishy.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED TALK. ♄

Here is a link to the NAC that I use, Thorne is an amazing company to buy from and very reputable! If you take one a day, this bottle will last you around 3 months.

***I am an affiliate with Amazon, if you purchase through the link provided I will earn a small percentage of your purchase at no extra cost to you!


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