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My Own Property!

Isn't it so funny how a website is like your own plot of land? This is my property. I keep it up, pay for it, take care of it, it's fully mine. I can decide what to post and when to post it. In that same way, Facebook is owned by someone, Instagram is owned by someone, and so forth. In that way, THEY can decide what and when you post. If they decided tonight that they no longer wanted to even think of Facebook, they could click one button and the whole site is gone.

All the followers you've accrued, the timeless memories you've posted, it'd all be gone in a blink of an eye. Crazy!

For that reason, many bloggers are going back to their own "properties", going back to posting more on their own blogs and websites. Myself included. I enjoy writing to my readers. Even if there's only like two of you who come to the website without clicking a link on Facebook LOL!

Anyway, thanks for being here. You mean a lot to me!

-Lady of the Farm.


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