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Little Farmer School: Rainbows

This next week's lesson with the little farmer's is about rainbows.

Rainbows have been kind of a staple with them since before they were born. We joked that these were definitely our "rainbow babies" (babies after a storm (a loss) because of all the double rainbows that we saw. It seemed like after every storm that Summer a double rainbow appeared over the farm.

Spring brings rain + rainbows, so it's just perfect!

If you're curious about our next week's lesson, we are following along with the Toddler Approved lesson plans. You can also follow along on Instagram for ideas. Some of the ideas here are from her suggestions and some are activities that I know my kids would be able to handle better.

Some things to learn:

  • The colors of the rainbow + what items around you are the same colors. ex. this is red, what are some things around us that are red? You can work on a color or two each day so it's not overwhelming and all at once.

Some activities:

  • Rainbow Rain Clouds (TA Lesson) - Fill a jar halfway with water, fill with shaving cream the rest of the way then put drops of food coloring on top of the shaving cream. Then watch the "rain" go into the water. Use a different jar per color to get a wide range of "rainbow colors".

  • Rainbow Oobleck(TA)- Mix 4 cups cornstarch and 2 cups water to make oobleck. Divide it into five bowls and add a different color of food coloring to each bowl, then you have fun oobleck to play with in all the colors of the rainbow.

  • Make a rainbow using fruit loops.

  • Make rainbow jewelry with fruit loops. (fruit loops are perfect for this week!)


  • Veggie Kabobs with brightly colored veggies

  • Fruit Kabobs or tray with all the colors!

  • Rainbow Veggie Pizza

  • Rainbow Popsicles - Blend up kiwi, pour into the popsicle mold, blend strawberry and pour on top of kiwi, blend up blueberry and pour on top. Freeze.

  • Freeze fruit in ice cubes, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi slices, orange slices, and then pop them into water, sparkling water, or lemonade.

If you're following along also, let me know what you and your tots do!

-Lady of the Farm

Click here to get your own beeswax crayons like the ones pictured. They're a perfect tool to teach your kids their colors.



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