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Inside the Journal.

Inside the Journal.

"An excerpt from a day in North Carolina at our mountain house." 

The rain pelted down on the tin roof and the smell of rain mixed with flowers seeped through the loose wood-framed windows. I took a deep breath and smiled remembering that I was no longer at home. It feels so nice to be somewhere different. I got up and walked through the quiet house. The only sounds to be heard were the creaks of the old floors and the snores coming from the other rooms. I walked out the back door after changing into my exploring clothes and slowly shut the screen door so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Once I was out of the house I pulled my hood over my head. Rain couldn't stop me from exploring! 

I stomped towards the creek and as I got to the edge of the cliff I began to use the trees to crawl down. There was a simpler way to get to the creek but this way was quicker. I slowly slid down the side of the cliff and flashbacks of my childhood ran through my mind. This tree branch that I held onto was once the place I called, "My house". I thought back to my cousins, siblings, and I playing in the creek beds as if they were our houses and we visited each other and played like we had families. 

It was such a simple time. I got to the bottom of the cliff and walked to the edge of the creek and sat on a rock watching the cold water flow. The rain had turned into a light mist and the air still hung thick of flowers and fresh rain. I drew in a deep breath and took in the mountain air. I thought to myself, "Oh how I wish I could bottle this up and carry it home." 

It was about that time I heard voices behind me and when I looked up there stood my sister, "Hey! Wanna go up the mountain?" "Sure." I jumped up and we began making our way across the stream to go further up the mountain. 


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Done & Published.

It's a little crazy. I've been working on this book for a year now and it feels like that was my itty bitty baby for a while. Late nights...


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