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Idols & Social Media.

Every night before bed I make it my routine to read on Instagram. I was scouring the "gram" looking for a new profile to follow, something that would click with the new season I am in right at the moment.

My criteria is:

  1. Do the photos catch my eye? Are they visually calming and appealing?

  2. Do they post about life, gardening, cooking, slow living, rustic stuff?

  3. Do they post inspiring stuff? Do they make me want to come back every single day?

If they can meet that criteria, I click the follow button.

Anyway, last night I was looking for someone new since my normal go - to person hasn't posted in a few weeks. And as I was reading through one lady's profile I came upon a post about idols and I got sucked in.

She talked about, "What actually is an idol?" and it got my wheels turning.

What do you think of when you hear the word "idol"? Just think about it a moment.

This instagrammer, instagramista, instagramma (What is a person who uses instagram?) she got me to thinking when she said, "If when you wake up, and the first thing you grab is your phone to scroll through Facebook, Instagram, or anything else, that has now become an idol because that was the first thing on your mind as you awoke, not God, not that devotional, just social media." and I literally stopped in my tracks, "What?"

But it made sense to me.

First thing when I wake up, I make it a habit to grab my phone, check Facebook, reply to any and all comments I may have, and then scroll through looking at everyone else's lives. Which kind of seems crazy, now that I realize I have been missing out on mornings like this one.

This morning, I reached over and grabbed my phone and her post echoed in the back of my mind. So I exited out of Facebook and read my daily devotional, prayed on it, meditated on it, let it truly sink into my heart and then I headed to Facebook to work on some stuff.

I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own little lives, that we actually forget who really is in control of not only our lives, but the world.

What app are you going to be exiting out of today?

-Lady of the Farm


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