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Hydroponics 101

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Homesteading is the new way to live now. Being self-sufficient is the way to go, if you're new to this way of life and want to know how and where to get started, click here. You'll notice in that post linked that I mentioned hydroponics as being a wonderful way for you to garden indoors. Now, you may wonder, "Why would I do that?"

  • If you have an apartment.

  • Don't have enough land for a garden.

  • Want to try something new.

  • Are renting.

  • Can't physically plant a garden.

  • Have children who want to learn.

  • Are in a shut-in situation like assisted living.

There are many reasons to be interested in hydroponics. We began it just out of curiosity. We wanted homegrown vegetables like lettuce & tomatoes, but it was the middle of December. What's a girl to do?!

That's when I opened my Christmas present and it was a hydroponics system. Perfect size for the living room bookshelf. I set up the bookshelf then put the hydroponics system on the top and it fit perfectly.

Hydroponics, noun : the growing of plants in nutrient solutions with or without an inert medium (such as soil) to provide mechanical support.

Okay, so that sounds super scientific and fancy. But basically, you'll be growing the plants directly in water.

We have two hydroponics systems, one is small enough to sit on a bookshelf. The other is a larger one that takes up some space in another room. In this post, I'll be referring to the smaller one, but if you want to take things to a new level with a bigger system, let me know and I can send you some photos and information.


Why Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is not only a way to learn more about growing and plants, but it also grows FASTER because of the LED grow lights.

  • No chemical drift.

  • No pesticides.

  • No herbicides.

  • No pulling weeds.

  • You get quickly grown vegetables, herbs, & fruits.

  • Automatic watering so no worries about forgetting.

  • Grow your veggies year-round.

How does it work? What can I grow?

So once you have the growing system set up, you'll fill the bottom with water then mix the fertilizers that are included together. You'll put those in the water then place the growing pods in the little holes, wet them then place the seeds inside. There are also small caps to place over the seeds until it sprouts up. Then you can remove the caps and let them grow, grow, grow!

The pump circulates the water, increasing oxygen to the plants.

We have had many things growing in it so far. Currently, we have tiny tim tomatoes and a mix of different herbs. We have also grown lettuce in the hydroponic system and it did amazing!

You can grow strawberries, brussel sprouts, broccoli, tomatoes, herbs, lettuce, & flowers! Just about anything you can grow in the garden, you can do hydroponically!

You can do this! Here are some links!

The one we have in the living room is an IDOO Indoor Garden, I have to put a disclaimer They have not endorsed this so no I am not getting paid for my opinions. Maybe someday I will get discovered and become famous for my opinions, but not today! These are my actual supplies and my actual opinions. Ya welcome!

Click the links below to go to which item you want to check out!

Survival Garden Seeds - These are heirloom seeds and the packets actually tell you how to save your seeds for the next year!

You got this!! Have fun!


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