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How to Enjoy the Farmer's Market.

It's rare that I get to genuinely enjoy a market. I am usually working them, during the Summer I am working produce with the farmer and during the Fall I am selling jewelry.

But this past Saturday, as I was walking out the door, I grabbed one of my market bags that I made from a few years ago. I usually use it to carry my books on the tractor but that morning I had made my mind up that I was going to fill it with groceries for the week.

I'm trying this new thing where I "slow down", "live in the moment" and "enjoy the small things in life". I tried the whole "slow living at the market" thing and let me tell you, it was glorious!

So here's how you too can enjoy slow living and living in the moment at your local market:

  1. Bring your own bag or basket - Market Bags will soon be in the market here on this website, FYI :) But take your own bags, there's something about carrying your market bag full of mustard greens out of a market.

  2. Walk slow and soak it all in - Walk slowly and visit with each vendor. Look closely at their items, some tables the more you look, the more you find!

  3. Talk with your local farmers - These people are your local crafters, farmers, & gardeners, get to know them and their products. I love asking produce vendors how they cook certain items that I don't know much about.

  4. Have a picnic at the market - At the Museum of Agriculture market there is a playground for kids and I believe some picnic tables. What better way to enjoy the market than to buy something to eat there at the market or to bring a small lunch to eat market side?

  5. Get in a slow paced mindset. No where to go and nothing to do - even if you do have somewhere to go later on.

Learn to enjoy the market, go at a slow pace through it and get to know the people there. You won't regret it.


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