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Hello, November.

I welcomed November with a day of rest, that to be honest, wasn't all that restful. I think of the list of things I need to do around our little homestead instead of resting and drive myself insane thinking of what all I need to be doing.

I need to transition our home from October to November. That means taking down all these Halloween decor and bringing in the warm, cozy decor.

I have to clean up around our homestead, cleaning up around the pens, clearing out the overgrown weedy areas. I almost feel like I'm having to do a homestead overhaul. But it'll all be worth it in the end!

Our chickens are doing well, our thirty newer pullets are all healthy and growing. I can't wait until they're old enough to lay eggs, I'll be back in the business when it comes to my egg selling.

My friend Levi, who does the markets with me has done her last market as of this past weekend. I am going to continue doing the markets and selling each weekend. I am struggling though to figure out what else I could make to fill the table up. I know I'll be making more necklaces and earrings. But i'm not sure what else. I may turn my table into an old school farm wife theme. Who knows!

Any ideas what I could make and sell for the market are welcome!


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