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Having Childlike Wonder.

When I first came to the farm I was 1,000% the black sheep. I wasn't raised on a farm, or even in the country. I wasn't raised around a lot of farm animals like cows and chickens. I wasn't raised around tractors or farmland and it was obvious. It all amazed me, I had almost like a child's mind when it came to this stuff. I got excited over tractor rides and new farm animals, which I still do to this day lol!

I would sometimes get down because of how much of an outcast I was, but the farmer always comforted me with, "You're just different. The rest of us don't realize the small things about the farm because we've always been here, we've always lived here. You're not from here and you notice all these small details that we've forgotten about."

Today as I was reading my Amish devotional I came across Psalm 8:1-2: "O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength."

Children praise God when they spend time in creation. They haven't forgotten the world around them because of the tv distracting them or because they're so used to something. Perhaps that's why the Amish are the way that they are, in awe with a childlike wonder of the world around them and God's creation. They stay outside, away from the tv, and spend hours in nature and close to God. Whether it's putting the clothes on the line, plowing the fields, or taking care of the animals, they are outside around God's creation.

The good news is that your dulled senses can be reversed by just going outside and spending time with God in nature. And just like the little children who are filled with awe, when you spend time in God's creation your senses will be opened and you'll be filled with the childlike wonder and your soul will be filled with God's gifts to us.

- Lady of the Farm.

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