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It is THAT time of year again! Harvest is upon us and the peanut pickers are coming out. While my farmer is picking peanuts, I've been super busy getting our house ready.

The kitchen is freshly mopped. But those of you who know what harvest season really is, you know that when the crops begin to move, so do the critters. In the past week, I have stepped on a snake and chewed out Bella for trying to get a mouse that was in the house.

I went and rode the picker with my farmer and after we had done half a round, something broke.

The kitchen with some of my antiques and my tea kettle! He says I'm bad luck. I've done put some crazy hoodoo spell on the picker according to him. We didn't even get a full round in! So anyway, he parked it in the

field and began baling hay while I walked back to the house. I felt something under my feet as I walked through the corn field. I thought, "Ew, I stepped on a mouse." I turned to get a look at this little mouse that I heard running through the corn stalks that lay on the ground and there, in the corn stalks was a little black snake slithering his way as fast as he could towards the center of the field. Nope. Nope. NOPE. I walked to the thick tall grass and that's when I got paranoid and began picking my legs up to my waist and running. Picture THAT.

Before & After of the livingroom.

The color is called "Sleek Gray" from Valspar.

It looks blue in the day and gray at night.If that's not enough, the next day I was showing my friends the house when all of a sudden I hear running. The house is so quiet except for the pitter patter of tiny feet. "WHAT. IS. THAT?!" I look over and running out of the guest bedroom is a teeny tiny field mouse. Bella hauled off running towards it, "Bella! Sitcho' tail down girl!"  I watched it run into the bathroom as Bell sat and turned to look at me. "Ick." I walked off and called the farmer, "We need a cat."

He hates cats.

Before & After of the kitchen. Look at that green leaf wallpaper!

Oh my goodness!  The tan looks so much better! But after some serious persuasion I somehow talked him into us building a little barn someday and then letting cats live in it. They could keep the snakes and mice away and how great would it be to have a few cats on our farm? We now n

eed a couple goats and maybe like 100 more ducks!

I told the farmer that someday I want to go outside to see our kids in their play clothes, standing on hay and playing with kittens in the barn.

That will be perfect.


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Done & Published.

It's a little crazy. I've been working on this book for a year now and it feels like that was my itty bitty baby for a while. Late nights...


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