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Garden Dreamin' + Tomato Plantin'

Hi, Friends!

This week I started my tomatoes indoors. Next is potatoes and peppers!

My tomatoes are a beautiful heirloom mix variety full of reds, oranges, and yellows. I can't wait to walk to my garden, pick some of these, and enjoy the colors of the Summer mixing in my basket. Won't it be wonderful? What're you planting this year?

This will be the Summer of beauty. The Summer of gardens, water trough pools, and flowers all the way around.

Oh! I also got in my sunflowers so that will be fun! One of the varieties, I am so excited about is the teddybear sunflowers!

I don't know if we will be moved in a decent time as we hoped due to unforeseen issues that arose, but we plan on going ahead and building up our land. Starting our oasis.

I guess all of Tift County can drive by and see our garden and just enjoy it.

Until next time,

Lady of the Farm.

P.S. I'm behind on posting, I know and I'm so sorry. My week has been busy this week. As always, tomorrow is another day.


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