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Exploring the Hunting Preserve.

We rode out to the hunting preserve, the farmer had to get more firewood. When we arrived my dad and two of his employees were waiting and they rode off to the woods. I stuck around with the boys. I asked them if they wanted to take a walk and they cheered and said, "Yes! Walk!" Kayven is like me, he enjoys a good walk with the scenery. Coltie on the other hand, likes to explore new places and discover new things.

A white pond bird sits on the edge of the swamp

We arrived at the pond. My childhood pond where picnics were enjoyed, fireworks were shot off during the fourth of July, and where I went out on my first boat. I remember being in a little boat with my nana, poppy, and cousin Jordan and nana sang "Row, row, row your Boat" to us. How sweet of a memory to look back on!

But now the pond sits quiet except for the little sweet voices of my own mischievous boys exploring. I looked out over the pond and saw a bird on the other side near the swampy area. It looked like a scene straight out of a Southern Gothic book. It was so hauntingly eerie, but beautiful at the same time.

two toddlers run along a path in the woods

The boys and I headed down the path back towards the base camp.

two toddlers running up to a camper in the woods

I asked them if they wanted to go check on our "little house", it's an old camper that my sister lived in for a little while. Before the boys were born when she first was moving into it, we spent all day every day for a little while just working on the inside. Fixing it up, replacing flooring, painting cabinets, painting over wallpaper, ripping out all kinds of stuff. It's beautiful on the inside. We use it as our little hang-out spot when the farmer is working and we want to get out of the house. Of course, it also has the occasional overnight renter for it too.

the woods at golden hour

The golden hour began to settle in for the evening and the warm sunlight made its way through the woods by the "little house". We decided to head back to the base camp. These woods are like something out of a movie.

two toddlers play with a big stick

The boys played in the little lane on our way back to the main camp. Kayven found a stick bigger than him and Coltie both!

two toddlers crawl up a pile of chopped firewood

We finally made it back to base camp, which they call "Redneck Paradise". I am not a redneck so let's just get that straight hahaha! The little farm boys saw the big stack of chopped firewood and they headed to check it out!

It was such a good day exploring the preserve. I am hoping to be able to get out there more this weekend and hopefully get more wildlife photos. Until then, you'll have to settle with these two little wild ones.

-Lady of the Farm.


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