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Embracing the Present: Finding Contentment in the Midst of Changed Plans and New Year's Resolutions

A dirt road amongst the changing leaves and Georgia pines

The fireworks boomed in the distance and they sounded like cannons to my sensitive child-like ears. I was curled up on the couch with the farmer eating a charcuterie board. "What's your goals for the New Year?" He sat a minute and said, "Be a better husband, be a better father, be a better farmer, just be better. What's yours?"

I giggled knowing his reaction would be much like my friends for the first two. "I have quite a few actually."

And this is what I told him:

  1. Befriend a family of crows, and get trinkets. (Did you know that they're so smart that they can remember faces? However, if you're kind to them you can get shiny trinkets they deem important & if a bird finds it gift-worthy, then I do too.)

  2. Buy a Victorian gown or 1860s pioneer dress to wear around the house and yard and feed chickens. (I have no reason, it's just on my list of things to do. LOL)

  3. Be more gentle and soft-spoken. (Years of working at the hotel unlocked a more aggressive and outspoken version of myself and that was fine for certain situations, but not anymore.)

  4. Be a better Christian. (I'm on a Christian roller coaster at times. I do good awhile then I slip back into that survival mode and I forget to pray, don't have time to stop and read the bible or a devotional. But that stops this year!)

  5. Create a home again. (A ton of things have happened in the past few months and I don't think we will be able to grasp the things we wanted to this year. We had planned to be at our new property by now, but between the septic tank issues with the land, a certain septic tank man who wasted three months of our time, and trying to pay out with the farming loan now, I feel as though God has said, "sit tight for now." I'm sad, frustrated, and little heartbroken over my plans not happening, but I won't let this time in my boys lives be wasted. We are just going to make the best of where we are now till we get kicked off, make a ton of money, or our dream home becomes available in our budget. Whichever comes first I suppose.)

  6. Remodel our home. (Our home is falling apart. I've tried to keep it together for seven years, but now we are at the point where I am done, I am tired. It has to be remodeled. Flooring ripped out, cabinets ripped out, my plan is to create a more farmhouse look to the kitchen and just keep the rest of the home as cozy as possible for my family.

  7. and finally, be a better mom and wife. (I find some days where my temper and frustrations are just running wild, and I don't want that. I don't want to be in survival mode anymore. I just want to be happy, plant a garden, run my store, take photos in the woods, and just be so happy and I will do that this year. Somehow.)

Have a wonderful 2024, I hope it all goes in your favor and you reap the most incredible blessings!

-Lady of the Farm.


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