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Captain Morgan.

A New Family Member.

We walked into the county animal shelter. I looked back at the farmer, "You ready for this?" He excitedly nodded. Then we began filling out the sign in sheet.

After our last cat, Mater disappeared I had told the farmer no more cats. We were all upset about him going missing. We suspect a bobcat. He had a run in with a bobcat just a couple weeks earlier and there was a family of bobcats seen weeks afterwards. We searched all over for him but nothing. 😣

Kayven and Kevin both constantly made sure I knew that they really missed having a cat. But I stuck to my guns, "Absolutely. Positively. No more cats."

But then we heard a mouse in the house. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of him ripping a cardboard box. I woke up the farmer and we began setting traps. For weeks he eluded our traps and finally I gave up.

"You still want a cat?" So we begun the search. We looked on Facebook, called around, even told family to be on the look out for us a cat. But in the end we decided to go look at the shelter.

We originally had our eyes on a couple but when we got there, plans changed.

We walked to the room where the cats were kept and immediately I ran to a big ole Tom cat who had the face of a teddy bear and swollen shut eyes from a fight he had been in. The farmer went directly to the ones we had originally came in for. The orange cats. He has a thing for orange cats. 🐈

We both said our little "hi's" to each cat and put our hands up to each kennel to see how they reacted. How funny that the ones we came for wouldn't even pay us attention. But two really stuck out to us. The shelter worker came in and spoke to us about the stories behind the two we were thinking of. One was a stray and one was surrendered the week before.

We took them both out to visit with us and the first ran from door to door looking for a way to escape. The second, he played and nuzzled us, he was quite friendly.

We decided to go with him and then the paperwork began! She asked us if we wanted to keep his name, Morgan. We had already spoken about it and we went with "Captain Morgan".

It's been four days now since we first met him and he has began to make himself at home. He is attached to me more than any of our animals, ironically I'm not even a cat person lol!! 😂

He is very curious about the boys but he thinks they're a bit scary, me too Morgan. Me too.

Everytime Morgan walks in the room Colten points at him and does this shriek and then giggles. They both go to our room and call for him. It sounds like, "Mornin?" when they say his name. Hehe

Overall, I think he's enjoying his new family and home.

-Lady of the Farm ❤️



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