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Hello August.

What will you bring to us?

Life on the farm has felt so simple lately. The Summer is finally winding down and my favorite time of year is slowly creeping back in. The feelings of Fall will soon be upon us. I'll be busy filling a simmer pot full of apples, cinnamon, and pears to make the house smell like Fall. I'll be baking those cute little ghost and pumpkin sugar cookies to snack on throughout the long days. The cool, crisp weather will be perfect for bundling up in sweaters and going for walks to see the farmer on the cotton pickers and peanut pickers with our boys. It's just such a wonderful time of year.

Our home today has been so peaceful and quiet except for the rain pitter-pattering on the tin roof and the tv softly murmuring in the background. The dogs have been so excited about the farmer being home today that they haven't done much napping as usual and neither have the twins. They both move around to the sounds of the dogs arguing over their toys. It's these moments that someday I will long for again. The sounds of my family, the feelings of our boys inside me, my husband talking to the dogs like they understand him. This is all something I treasure and long to keep forever.

It's just one of those days today. I walked through our home earlier slowly watering each of my plants and dreaming of the days that I will actually have lavender growing from the three sprigs that actually came up! Sad, isn't it? But I baby those three sprigs of lavender so that I can get just a tiny bit of lavender from them. My goal is to dry my lavender and then place them in a sachet bag to put under my pillow at night. The farmer loves the smell of lavender so it may help him sleep better also.

I watered my succulent in the bathroom window as I finished up caring for the plants and gazed out the window watching the rain until a bolt of lightning flashed, that's when I decided maybe it was a good time to go finish my chores and curl up to the farmer.

-Lady of the Farm.


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