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Around the Farm Update: February 2021

Life has been almost a blur lately here on the farm, as always. It's rained so much that the fields are soaking wet and practically underwater. So the farmer has been hanging around the house with me, which is very pleasant.

I cherish these moments when we are forced to slow down some. When we are forced to take a break from work and just rest together. Soon it will be planting season and life will be at full speed. We will be focusing on so much more than just each other and this time of rest, relaxation, and extra attention will be just a memory.

Some updates from around the farm lately:

- We ended up getting back one of our puppies from Abbie & Baxter's litter. He was my original pick of the litter (I called him Teddy). Well, Teddy's first owners said they couldn't handle him and his sister any longer together, they could only handle one so they sent him to one of our friends. Teddy and his new owner were doing great, but then our buddy had to go back on the road for work unexpectedly so Teddy was going to be tossed around again. We couldn't stand the thought of him being sent from home to home so we got him back. There were many moments where I said, "What are we going to do with FOUR dogs?" But the farmer said that we'd just have to figure it out. So we brought Teddy to our home and he has adjusted well. Clementine and he enjoy playing tug of war with all their toys and all my socks. Baxter enjoys playing with him and he seems to look up to Baxter. Abbie is just Abbie. When she saw him, she automatically knew he was her baby and she loved all over us for bringing him home. He's such a kind soul. He loves to be held and cuddled. He's just like Baxter. Isn't it amazing how animals have such sweet souls? He has done great with potty training and everything!

- We are still staying away from gluten and chicken. A while back we realized just how serious my gluten and chicken allergies were. My body, my face, and my skin is all thanking me. The swelling that was on my face has gone down to the minimum. I feel wonderful and I can't help but wonder if inflammation from the gluten and chicken allergy is what was causing my miscarriages. Wild thought, is it even possible? Who knows!

- I am still desperately in need of planting my seeds for the Summer. I keep getting busy with other things and just simply forgetting about them.

-Also, my newest book is ready!! I am going to be ordering the new copies soon and posting them on the market tab!! I'll update you all!

Anyway, I think that's really about it! Be sure to check out the market tab for some goodies and have a wonderful weekend!


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