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Are we Building our Ark?

The thermometer read 101 degrees earlier, the land is so dry. The crops need rain. The weather forecast says rain starting tomorrow through the next 10 days and at this point, I and so many others are begging God for it. We need it. We need it to cool us off, we need it for our thirsty crops, and our animals need it to stay cool.

A little off subject but I saw a thing on Tiktok the other day and it was a guy in his garden and he said something along the lines of this, "What if... this is our ark we are building?" Some people it resonated with, and others were completely dumbfounded. But it made sense. What if this preparation we are doing, what if this sense of, "I need to be more prepared in the case that the economy collapses", what if all this is to protect us from the flood? What if this is our ark?

Of course, not everyone is on the same page as we are and they call us crazy, in fact, I heard the other day that there are two types of homeschool moms: tin hat mom was one of them and I can't remember the other but I remember saying well I'm not that so I guess I'm tin hat mom. Now, the more I think of it, the more I think I am right.

I've also heard lots of "stop fear-mongering", but I'll be honest with you and this may make some of you mad...

I wasn't prepared for the formula shortage, the formula recall clotheslined me, but I was prepared for the beginning of covid and we didn't have to leave our house for like two months because I had been couponing and prepping.

I just want to move my whole family into the woods in a tiny home underground, be completely off-grid, and eat vegetables that we grow in a garden and fish that we catch in the stream. Is that too much to ask for? How is your ark coming along?

-Lady of the Farm.



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