Today was magical.
I went for a walk today down the dirt road by our farm. The water from the recent rains has formed small brooks running down the ditches. Little miniature waterfalls running along the road. Water trickled down the mossy sides of the ditch. Something was just so different. Then my friend told me to be still. She went to take a photo of something and when I moved I felt something jump off of my shirt.
Goosebumps raised on my arms.
I turned to see what it was. A little orange and black butterfly. Maybe a baby monarch? She flew off of me every time I tried to look at her. Almost like she was playing with me. I would turn to where she was and she'd dart away but I'd turn around and I'd feel little tiny legs on my shoulder or my belly. I finally got my camera ready and she landed back on my shoulder. She continued to do that to just me the whole time we were in the woodsy area. Maybe it was my shirt being bright, or maybe it was our first baby coming for another visit.
I've always had a theory the first baby we had was a girl. I miscarried her at 8 weeks 6 days, but it didn't make the pain any easier. I struggled for a while until I saw a butterfly flying around where she's buried, when the butterfly landed on me I considered it a sign from Heaven. Then, when our baby boy died at 12 weeks 4 days, a butterfly cacoon just happens to show up just a couple feet from his grave. When the butterfly finally came out of it, we placed the cacoon on the cross at his grave.
I believe in visits from Heaven, but I like to think that our babies come to us in different ways. Our daughter is a butterfly, our son is a ray of sun.