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A Shift.

Lately, my life has been shifting.

I have begun reading blogs, watching vlogs, and listening to podcasts from childless homemakers and it has been so freeing. Some choose childlessness, some don't. I have nothing wrong with children or mommy bloggers at all, I wanted a house full. But when you're childless not by choice, and you find yourself watching moms raise their children, you begin to feel like you're missing out on so much. You feel like you're watching something you may never even have.

I was beginning to feel that way, like I was missing out. Like by not having a child who is alive, I was less than. That's when I began to switch over to reading and watching childfree bloggers and vloggers, it has been amazing. It feels so freeing to know that life doesn't just stop because you don't have children. Life keeps going on whether you have children or not.

I feel like I'm learning to live without a child for the first time ever and it's refreshing.

I've been able to focus on my husband and my business so much more. I've added something new to my business. I've begun to focus on making my home warmer, inviting, and cozy. I've begun to focus on slow living and simple living. I've begun working on my relationship with God and things couldn't feel any fresher.

And also, I'm not bashing young mothers. I wanted to be a young mother, but it's not in my stars. I would've loved to have a child when I was younger. In a way, I suppose I did have a child young. I was newly 23 when I found out I was pregnant with our first baby.

On that note, we are still trying for a baby, and even after I have one I will always continue trying for more. Don't ever think this means I have given up. I would love to have four or five children, but that doesn't seem like it's God's plan for us.

Until then, we will live our lives happily.


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