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A Love Letter to my Readers

Dear Readers,

When I began Lady of the Farm it wasn't a big hit at first. I remember feeling like I was talking to my mom and mother in law and that was about it. (Big Shout out to my mom and MIL for hanging in there when I felt like no one else was!)

I actually deleted the entire blog one time because I felt like no one read it! That's when I realized that my husband read it too. He fussed and fussed because I deleted it. So, I worked for three weeks redesigning the entire blog. THREE WEEKS of doing coding, tweaking and staying up late.

And y'all wonder why I laugh when people say they want to start a blog? It's stressful. It's not just writing a cute story, it's a lot of designing, coding, tweaking, brainstorming, planning, editing, writing, and advertising. Most people will begin a blog and within two or three weeks they abandon it and never go back to it. In fact, Lady of the Farm wasn't my first blog, it was actually about my seventh. My seventh blog was the only one that got anywhere. It's been the only one I could stick with and honestly, I probably wouldn't have been able to make it this far without my husband continually pushing me to keep doing it.

I was posting about my blog in blogging groups and all kinds of stuff with no luck. In fact, I noticed more unlikes than likes! I was reading an article one day about how to get more loyal readers and that's when it hit me. I was posting in the wrong groups! I began posting in homesteading groups and homestead blogger groups and then the support began.

I had a little group of loyal readers but once I began to reach out to all the homestead bloggers across America the love really began to show! (Shoutout to them too!)

I also decided it was time to stop being shy about it and introduce Lady of the Farm to my friends and family. My mom also did A LOT of advertising for me. "Oh, this is my daughter. She has a blog.." I'd usually do that embarrassed look and laugh but truly, I was grateful that someone was advertising for me and talking about my blog. I'm pretty shy when I first meet people and I'm very awkward. But I've learned that if I can push through my shyness and awkwardness I can really talk to people easier. I guess my blog has helped me in that way.

I've been told that it's also helped others.

People loved an inside look on the farm life. They loved reliving moments and remembering things they saw at grandma's house or their house when they were growing up. It's almost like a step back in time to everyone's childhood. I was born and raised in a small farming community and everyone around here seems to have some sort of connection to the farm. I think that's part of the reason people keep coming back to my blog, maybe it feels like home to them?

My favorite people in the whole world though, have been my loyal readers. If you've liked my page and have continued to come back all this time and just drop a comment or like a post then you're the best! I love knowing people are reading my stuff. I put a lot of time into writing (sometimes, sometimes I'm behind and I have to write something pretty quick) and to know that people love it enough to take some time to comment or share it that means the world to me!

Well, time for me to go feed the chickens and do my daily chores, but before I go, thank you. Like seriously, thank you for everything. For the reading, sharing, liking, commenting, thank you.

 ❤, Lady of the Farm


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