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A Hunt + Monday Explorations.

The night air was stagnant and humid. You could've sliced it with a knife it was so thick. It was that time of year again, planting time.

We came to our field in Rebecca earlier, only to find that a fourth of it had been rooted up by wild hogs. Those peanuts that we had just planted days before were gone now. We lost money on those & so now it's time to fight back. I hoped we could get some meat for the freezer.

We drove through the dark of the night. It was close to midnight and it was so dark. The stars shined brightly but the night was so so dark. The night air came through the open windows and stuck to my skin. I had worn a "southern glisten" as they call it all day long in the heat, and now as we slowly rode through the quiet city of Rebecca, I wore the sticky night air. We neared our fields and I pulled out the monocular and put it to my eye. The night may have been dark, but everything living in the fields lit up. The deer, possoms, & even mice.

In our field, it was quiet most of the night. The farmer walked ahead and watched through the gun scope and I stayed back to watch him and stay close to the slumbering babies in the backseat. I began hearing movement in the wooded area behind me so I turned with the monocular to my eye to see two raccoons fighting, one ran as the other waved it's arms out at the other motioning in a "go away" type of motion. I smirked as I turned back to the farmer who was right close at me now. We walked back to the truck quietly talking. Our footsteps barely making a sound we walked so quietly. We got in the truck and headed to our other farms up that way.

We rode quietly through the night, the tires being the only sound echoing through the area. We rode by another field and I held the monocular up just to scan the area. "There's a herd." The farmer slowed down so I could get a better look, "Cows or Hogs?" I looked closer, "About 20 hogs." It wasn't on our particular field yet so we drove on to see our last field. Nothing but deer there.

About that time, a sleepy whine came wailing from the backseat. I looked over at the farmer and whispered, "It's time for bed." So we headed home.

This morning, we woke up, ran some errands, then headed to the hunting preserve to do some quick drone flying through the swamp.

It was so quiet and peaceful out there. I went down the creek with the drone. Not even noticing until later that I had spooked a water mocassin who swam in the murky water. After a quick flying session, the boys and I went home to get some sleep and prepare for the next adventure while the farmer headed to the fields to start planting again.

Bye for now!

-Lady of the Farm

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