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20 Questions I'm asked as a Twin Mom.

Being a mom, you get asked a million questions about your parenting style. But being a twin mom, well, the questions get multiplied by twos just like everything else in your life.

Some people hate being asked questions, some people love it. Either way, here are some questions I have been asked multiple times by many, many, different people. Enjoy!

  1. Are they fraternal or identical? They are fraternal! We thought at first that they may be identical because their placentas had fused together before my first appointment so it looked like one placenta, two sacs. But we had a DNA test done for any abnormalities and it came back that they were di/di twins, two placentas, two sacs, and both boys.

  2. Who do we prefer? We don't have our "preferences" because we love them both. But Kayven is a mama's boy & Colten is a daddy's boy. Colten is very picky about who he trusts so if Colt likes you, you truly are something.

  3. What's their bedtime routine? Around 8:40 I change their diapers, wipe them down, put lotion on them, put on their pajamas, talk to them about how they're my little biscuits, turn on their hatch noise machine & nightlight, say goodnight, and lights out! Around 11:30-12 am we will do our last bottle then it's back to bed.

  4. Do they sleep through the night? They sleep from 12 am-7 am.

  5. Are they good babies? I'd say so! I don't have much to really compare them to so I'd say they're good babies!

  6. Do they cry a lot? No, not at all. The only times they cry are when something is wrong like they're hurting, hungry or they're overly tired. This is obviously going to happen especially with the holidays.

  7. Breastfeed or Formula Feed? Formula-fed, I wanted to breastfeed. I was prepared to breastfeed. I worked hard to be able to produce enough milk, and I was able to! But then both boys were told they had milk allergies and I needed to stop breastfeeding. But long story short, I am skeptical about Colten's diagnosis so I plan on trying to breastfeed & supplement with formula when needed.

  8. Babywear? or Stroller? Both! So, babywearing twins is obviously not easy. They do have carriers for twins, but I can't fork out over $100 for a twin carrier so if it's just me with them I put them in the stroller or if we're in public, it's just easier to move their car seat from the vehicle to the click in stroller. But if we are at home and someone is with me or one is asleep and one awake, I love to be able to wear them & show them the farm. Colten likes to be worn more than Kayven though.

  9. Cloth Diapers? or Disposable? Disposable. I had wanted to cloth diaper until I found out I was having twins and the overwhelm flooded in. It's just easier on me to do disposable with them.

  10. C-section or Vaginal? C-section! Colten was head down until three days before my scheduled surgery then he turned breech and it was a definite c-section. I was terrified to do vaginal the entire pregnancy because of all the stories of one being born vaginally and the other turning, then a c-section having to be done anyway. So I opted for a c-section.

  11. Vaccinated? Yes, they have had their two-month vaccines and I am TERRIFIED to get their four-month vaccines because of the traumatic experience at the two-month appointment. But we are switching doctors in the meantime so maybe we will have a better experience with our new doctors before their next vaccines.

  12. Bed Sharing? or Crib? They have their own bassinet in our bedroom, but every morning at 7 am Kayven wakes up and cries until I put him in bed with us for cuddle time. But they sleep in their bassinet overnight.

  13. Homeschool? or Regular school? Undecided. I want to be able to homeschool them, but I have no idea where to start. I want to "unschool" them. I take a little more of a hippie mom approach to learning so I am not too sure where to start so maybe one day I will get all that figured out. Am I scared they won't be socialized? Nah, I have a few close friends who have been with me my whole life and they were homeschooled so not scared at all.

  14. Any more children? Definitely! We definitely aren't trying, but I also don't believe in birth control. I had so much trouble trying to have them that I don't think it'll be a huge deal to not be on birth control. It screwed up my hormones so much that I just don't feel like we could get to the root of my hormonal problems because birth control masked it all. But we both agree we want more and we plan on stopping at 3-4 kids.

  15. Would I do anything different with our next baby? YES. If it's a single baby, not twins I would love to breastfeed for at least a year & throw out the stroller. Other than that I think I'd do everything about the same. But I would love to be able to breastfeed longer & babywear 24/7.

  16. Is it as hard as we thought it'd be? No! I honestly was talking to another twin mama and we both agreed that we must be doing something wrong because of how easy everything was for us. The babies are on a schedule and their routine makes it easy to get all my work done around the house and spend the entire rest of the day with them.

  17. How did we adjust when we came home? Whew. So I had a spinal headache when we came home from the hospital because my spinal fluid wasn't replenishing fast enough so it was causing my brain to sag on my skull. Worse pain than a migraine! But because of that, I don't remember the first week. I remember small moments and flashes, but I don't remember coming home or anything much after that. Once I was readmitted for a spinal patch, I remember coming home and everything was normal-ish. It was hard to get in a routine with a house full of family but once we asked everyone to leave and let us get some time together we were able to get into a routine and start getting used to the babies.

  18. What are our favorite baby brands? Hello Bello & Burt's Bees Baby are my two top favorites! They're cleaner than the rest and not full of all the bad stuff that's hidden in products.

  19. Do we have any preferences on diapers? wipes? We use Hello Bello diapers, Pampers Pure diapers, Huggies Snugglers diapers, Pampers Swaddlers diapers, Water Wipes, Pampers sensitive wipes & Hello Bello Wipes. Obviously, we are not picky!

  20. Do they have a Christmas List? Of course! *wink, wink* CLICK HERE for their Christmas List.

So, now that you've read some of the questions we have gotten, any more questions for another post?

-Lady of the Farm.


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