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On a chilly December afternoon, under a gazebo by the lake, there was a farmer and his wife holding hands and saying their vows. Their friends and family surrounded them and watched in awe at how in love the two were. The Lady wrote her vows on how she would forever try to be the Proverbs 31 woman for the farmer. 

The farmer, well, we'll never know what his vows actually said because of a plane flying overhead at the very moment he read them. 

The Lady moved onto the farm that very night and the two began their lives together. 

The Farmer & The Lady had an adjustment period for awhile. Getting used to a new home and to each other isn't always the easiest. The farmer's dog, Abbigail eating The Lady's bra on day four of the marriage was one of those adjustments. 

The two lived happily for a while adding Baxter & Clementine the Boykins to their family and many other animals. 

But then, there were three. 

The Lady found out she was pregnant on a cool April afternoon after four rounds of fertility treatments. Sadly, just one month later, the baby was gone. They named the baby, Precious. 

A few months later, on a chilly October morning, once again, the Lady found out she was pregnant. Three months later, the same fate for their precious boy, Junior. 

The Farmer & his wife clung to each other closer and harder than ever before. They decided to try treatments again one day, after three rounds and a message from God on how to fast for a few weeks, they fell pregnant again! This time was different though and there were twins! She carried twin boys to 38 weeks! And this, is their story. 



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A space created to help, to educate, and to give enjoyment. 

-Lady of the Farm

Romans 10:9

©Lady of the Farm 2014

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